A tool to boost self-confidence: why celebration is important

Post mortem too

Orianne Gambino


This edition is inspired by two things:

  • It’s officially the beginning of summer, or at least the weather is starting to feel like it, so I am in a celebratory mood.
  • Earlier this week I talked with Kelly Berry from Life Unintended podcast about all things self-confidence. We talked about the importance of celebrating, and Kelly shared a habit for celebration I loved (more about this in the Nudge section!)

Here’s the bulk of it: celebration, and post-mortem, done in a systematic way are crucial for your mind to register your ability to overcome challenges, which boosts your self-confidence.

Let’s dive in!


PS: Kelly podcast helps listeners embrace their individual journey, encouraging them to follow what feels right for them. Pretty cool huh? Check it out and I’ll let you know when the episode we recorded together comes out.

A reminder for you

There are two elements of self-confidence:

  • Insecurities: the not-so-nice things you tell yourself, we can call it your inner bully and how much you let it take over
  • Self-efficacy: your trust in your…



Orianne Gambino

Mindset Coach & writer | Do you need content creation or coaching? Reach out: https://gambino.me